Spring Background Images

This year, Spring has been late and  then sparing in time and warmth in the Northumberland Hills of Eastern Ontario. It is already the second week of May and the tulips and daffodils are just appearing while lilacs, magnolia, iris  and spirea will definitely be late. So instead of  using the usual Spring  blooms in our  background shots for ThePhotoFinishes.com, the featured images will show the sway of the Northumberland hills and valleys decked in  delicate vernal colors while farmers have manicured the sweep of the  hillsides.

Stubble swishes right and left among poplars, birch, willow and big pine.

A look down the road to Warkworth

Ash on the hillside by Morganston road.

A gentle rain lights up the hillside hues.

Farmer manicured hillside .

Go to Picsofcanada.com to see the complete Springtime views. And checkout the WP Supersized plugin to make your own background show.

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