
The Media Notebook

Lenovo has launched the latest and most power packed graphics notebook this August – go to for all the details. What is notable is that this machine acknowledges that graphics processing is now driving PC development. Look at all the graphics goodies – 17″ Hi-resolution, high gamut WUXA screen, NVidia 3700 with 1GB of

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Xara Xtreme Pro 4

On the margin between bitmap photo editing and vector drawing/illustration, there is a new world of image composition that combines vector+bitmap in new and innovative ways. A lot of vendors have dabbled in this arena including Deneba(now ACDSee) Canvas, Adobe Fireworks and Xara Xtreme Pro – even hints of it in Adobe Photoshop with its

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GUI Clumsiness

Can you believe that Apple Inc, the self-appointed Deans of Great GUI Design – have still come up lame on basic GUI operations . This is even true with Apple’s new Leopard. True with Spaces, Apple finally sees the Linux Light and brings a capability that every design program worth its salt (think diversely of

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