Design with Type by Carl Dair

What is your first impression of this book cover? The designer is obviously having fun with type and in almost classic style.

And that is the jist of what’s behind the cover of Carl Dair’s outstandingly vigorous yet remarkably crisp Design with Type. I cringe at books on typography that are long on alphabetical examples of what their favorite types and fonts are. Its a like an extended tour slideshow of some ones travelogues through Fontjungles.

Well no reason to worry here.

Dair takes readers through more interesting ideas of what is possible with good and diverse type and font choices – and that is within the first 10-15 pages. In short, Dair has a theory of how and when type works well in design and he shows it off with puckish examples that rarely fail to delight.

There are more good design ideas here than meets the first eye – and at $24US can you see $$$ bargain anywhere ?

(c)JBSurveyer 2007 – If you liked this, let others know:

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