First Example: SLR to Video Camera

Gizmodo tracks the latest geek gizmos, so it should be no surprise that they have picked up the first sightings of the prototype digital camera which will largely replace digital SLRs
– the dual capable video cameras. These 3 cameras all offer the capability of not only taking HDTV video images – and directly onto 40GB of hard disk in 2 cases; but also still camera shots at 5MPixel. Now the displacement by video cameras of SLRs will accelerate as the ease with which stills can be taken and as their size and quality match 5-8MPixel SLRs and the photofinishing software gets used to plucking images from video as well as the stills on the video camera.

So yes, there are a lot of conditionals including price before a Digital SLRs get abandoned like film SLRs – but the event is upcoming – and sooner then most people think.

(c)JBSurveyer 2007 – If you liked this, let others know:

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