NYTimes David Pogue’s Best Compact Cameras under $300

NYTimes David Pogue has a great sense for value – and this year’s choices for the best compact camera for under $300 are as usual quite good. As seen in this very helpful chart, 10MPixel or better storage and some prices well under $300 rule the roost.  Many of David’s recommended cameras have 10x zoom, several have HD video and many use SD cards and some have 24mm wide angle but only one has the choice of manual/aperture priority/shutter priority shooting.  My point – for $50 more users can get compact cameras with all of these features plus light weight and thin size, advanced image exposure, improved auto-focus, plus a neat collection of individual attractions like advanced burst mode exposures or GPS/Compass recording and display capabilities. So do read David’s best, but also take a glance at the top of the line compacts for $350.

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