Xara 3D Maker 7

Here is the mission of the Xara 3D Maker in its own words in Flash version 8:

[kml_flashembed fversion=”8.0.0″ movie=”https://photofinishes.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/xara3db1.swf” targetclass=”flashmovie” publishmethod=”static” width=”400″ height=”300″] [/kml_flashembed]

Here is the Gif Animation version of the same mission statement

Note both animations were produced by Xara 3D Maker

Given the mixed performance of the swf and then gif animation on the Web, ye Editor is not sure users will want to use Xara 3D Maker except for creating movie titles. The tool is in Xara tradition very easy to use. Xara Designer Pro and Xara Web Designer users will feel very comfortable at the controls:

First aid – you can turnoff the Star Wars attack of the default Text Message shooting onto the screen by :
2)View | Stop Animation from the menus
3)Hitting the Pause button on the Animation Controller just below the Menus and Property bar on Xara 3D’s header.
Now to gain access to change the default messaging do either of:
1)ALT+T or
2)Options | Text from the menus.
A Popup window shows all the default text entered [even when File | New creates a new animation]. You have complete control over the content and styling of this text. Just delete what you don’t want and replace it with your own text and images[more on this below].

Now that you are back in control it is very simple to add 3D effects like bevels, shadows, textures and extrusions easily from the tools menu or  options bar[most of the tool buttons just open an option bar item in any case]. Use the horizontal and vertical sliders  to change the 3D orientation of the animation. To add Color changes .. well its on the Option Bar.

The problem is that these changes effect every  line in the animated text. I could not find a way to change one line at a time – even for color. So if you want a consistent look and styling, Xara 3D Maker delivers but for some perverse styling/formating … that is a bit more challenging.

Also adding your own  graphics and drawings is limited to use of the Import command. This command supports Windows WMF and EMF metafiles along with Xara Xar and Web files – no Adobe or anybody else for file import.


Xara 3D Maker certainly delivers what its say it will do; but for this reviewer most of these capabilities are already available in Xara Designer Pro which is an order of magnitude more versatile. Given the mixed 3D performance on the Web [all animations are deadly fast on my local PC] I would rather apply $39.99 to the price of Xara Designer Pro or Xara Web Designer which are so much more capable.

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